getContent(); * echo $c['title'].''; * echo $c['content']; */class Readability{ // 保存判定结果的标记位名称 const ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE = "contentScore"; // DOM 解析类目前只支持 UTF-8 编码 const DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET = "utf-8"; // 当判定失败时显示的内容 const MESSAGE_CAN_NOT_GET = "判定失败."; // DOM 解析类(PHP5 已内置) protected $DOM = null; // 需要解析的源代码 protected $source = ""; // 章节的父元素列表 private $parentNodes = array(); // 需要删除的标签 // Note: added extra tags from private $junkTags = Array("style", "form", "iframe", "script", "button", "input", "textarea", "noscript", "select", "option", "object", "applet", "basefont", "bgsound", "blink", "canvas", "command", "menu", "nav", "datalist", "embed", "frame", "frameset", "keygen", "label", "marquee", "link"); // 需要删除的属性 private $junkAttrs = Array("style", "class", "onclick", "onmouseover", "align", "border", "margin"); /** * 构造函数 * @param $input_char 字符串的编码。默认 utf-8,可以省略 */ function __construct($source, $input_char = "utf-8") { $this->source = $source; // DOM 解析类只能处理 UTF-8 格式的字符 $source = mb_convert_encoding($source, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $input_char); // 预处理 HTML 标签,剔除冗余的标签等 $source = $this->preparSource($source); // 生成 DOM 解析类 $this->DOM = new DOMDocument('1.0', $input_char); try { //libxml_use_internal_errors(true); // 会有些错误信息,不过不要紧 :^) if (!@$this->DOM->loadHTML(' ' . $source)) { throw new Exception("Parse HTML Error!"); } foreach ($this->DOM->childNodes as $item) { if ($item->nodeType == XML_PI_NODE) { $this->DOM->removeChild($item); // remove hack } } // insert proper $this->DOM->encoding = Readability::DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET; } catch (Exception $e) { // ... } } /** * 预处理 HTML 标签,使其能够准确被 DOM 解析类处理 * * @return String */ private function preparSource($string) { // 剔除多余的 HTML 编码标记,避免解析出错 preg_match("/charset=([\w|\-]+);?/", $string, $match); if (isset($match[1])) { $string = preg_replace("/charset=([\w|\-]+);?/", "", $string, 1); } // Replace all doubled-up tags withtags, and remove fonts. $string = preg_replace("/
[ \r\n\s]*
/i", "", $string); $string = preg_replace("/<\/?font[^>]*>/i", "", $string); // @see // - from $string = preg_replace("#
's, commas, special classes, etc. $i = 0; while ($paragraph = $allParagraphs->item($i++)) { $parentNode = $paragraph->parentNode; $contentScore = intval($parentNode->getAttribute(Readability::ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE)); $className = $parentNode->getAttribute("class"); $id = $parentNode->getAttribute("id"); // Look for a special classname if (preg_match("/(comment|meta|footer|footnote)/i", $className)) { $contentScore -= 50; } else if (preg_match( "/((^|\\s)(post|hentry|entry[-]?(content|text|body)?|article[-]?(content|text|body)?)(\\s|$))/i", $className)) { $contentScore += 25; } // Look for a special ID if (preg_match("/(comment|meta|footer|footnote)/i", $id)) { $contentScore -= 50; } else if (preg_match( "/^(post|hentry|entry[-]?(content|text|body)?|article[-]?(content|text|body)?)$/i", $id)) { $contentScore += 25; } // Add a point for the paragraph found // Add points for any commas within this paragraph if (strlen($paragraph->nodeValue) > 10) { $contentScore += strlen($paragraph->nodeValue); } // 保存父元素的判定得分 @$parentNode->setAttribute(Readability::ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE, $contentScore); // 保存章节的父元素,以便下次快速获取 array_push($this->parentNodes, $parentNode); } $topBox = null; // Assignment from index for performance. // See for ($i = 0, $len = sizeof($this->parentNodes); $i < $len; $i++) { $parentNode = $this->parentNodes[$i]; $contentScore = intval($parentNode->getAttribute(Readability::ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE)); $orgContentScore = intval($topBox ? $topBox->getAttribute(Readability::ATTR_CONTENT_SCORE) : 0); if ($contentScore && $contentScore > $orgContentScore) { $topBox = $parentNode; } } // 此时,$topBox 应为已经判定后的页面内容主元素 return $topBox; } /** * 获取 HTML 页面标题 * * @return String */ public function getTitle() { $split_point = ' - '; $titleNodes = $this->DOM->getElementsByTagName("title"); if ($titleNodes->length && $titleNode = $titleNodes->item(0) ) { // @see $title = trim($titleNode->nodeValue); $result = array_map('strrev', explode($split_point, strrev($title))); return sizeof($result) > 1 ? array_pop($result) : $title; } return null; } /** * Get Leading Image Url * * @return String */ public function getLeadImageUrl($node) { $images = $node->getElementsByTagName("img"); if ($images->length && $leadImage = $images->item(0)) { return $leadImage->getAttribute("src"); } return null; } /** * 获取页面的主要内容(Readability 以后的内容) * * @return Array */ public function getContent() { if (!$this->DOM) return false; // 获取页面标题 $ContentTitle = $this->getTitle(); // 获取页面主内容 $ContentBox = $this->getTopBox(); //Check if we found a suitable top-box. if ($ContentBox === null) throw new RuntimeException(Readability::MESSAGE_CAN_NOT_GET); // 复制内容到新的 DOMDocument $Target = new DOMDocument; $Target->appendChild($Target->importNode($ContentBox, true)); // 删除不需要的标签 foreach ($this->junkTags as $tag) { $Target = $this->removeJunkTag($Target, $tag); } // 删除不需要的属性 foreach ($this->junkAttrs as $attr) { $Target = $this->removeJunkAttr($Target, $attr); } $content = mb_convert_encoding($Target->saveHTML(), Readability::DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET, "HTML-ENTITIES"); // 多个数据,以数组的形式返回 return Array( 'lead_image_url' => $this->getLeadImageUrl($Target), 'word_count' => mb_strlen(strip_tags($content), Readability::DOM_DEFAULT_CHARSET), 'title' => $ContentTitle ? $ContentTitle : null, 'content' => $content ); } function __destruct() { }}